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سورة الاخلاص

الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2013

My Experience with Forex

My Experience with forex

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

Did not write this blog, but the experience from the beginning of 2010 to this day, 2013, and it was my dream How do I of the net profits by trading or sale or trade links anything you did not remind him.

And focused on currency trading and this, because I Lahui buying and selling stocks but stocks in their practical for the times difficult to follow events or practical trading where he allowed me this time is not available online and also said that his time only hours of the morning ...

Forex Lama was within 24 hours and depends on the deal by buying or selling high or descent both cases, win them or lose depending on the reading of the shares climber or descending.

Prior to enter the Forex venture entered youtube to learn the basics and methods of the important things 
about Forex .. There much Mimidhunha and there are many of postion media more of the broker for forex experience with demo money, of course, is not from the second day after years of study on the Forex and fundamentals and points ..

And استقريت the broker and put a small amount of money only $ 100 from 2012 to the present day win a few and lose too much I tried I tried I could not I do not know is it me or of the global trading ..

Calculated loss that ability in the past two almost approximately $ 3,000 Dorlar, and searched for people fought this experiment in May and perhaps that benefited from the point did not see it well just look for people who traded in Forex 80% of them say about their loss either 20% of them say that they understood the gamenow, take the profits from this forex God and know

..But the advice for each of the Forex trading advice me about a special experience

To enter an amount which does not affect the time of losing the same does not include an amount to compensate for his loss and to lose the most important Shi controls Baasabh and emotions in the profit and loss and to be realistic and do not grieve that loss significantly affect, for example,

Someone puts doubled to lose profits due to double does not know this thinking may lose more because he does not focus on the many focuses deal to compensate for the loss

People lose the whole day is Black and habitus miffed with the total does not want to see the face of any one means (Day Black and all None Black)

The most important thing you know when to sell and when to buy currency that I learned and knew readings decals and forecasts 80% correct, he chose to buy or sell, but before they push the button assure you that he will stand so much before you press the button here the game with a neurodegenerative says the same Am I sure or not, and God help you, God willing,

And I am sorry to have reared you and I'm not saying you do not try, but mind and do not put money you will need and has more than one way to learn because it is not easy and God bless

you want learn forex click link web site

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